March 15, 2010

Wordplay: Open

"I try to quit but the shit keeps calling and calling me" - Pookie

As a self-edumacated brother I'm always on the hunt for information. The english language is crazy so I thought I'd break down commonly used words. Call me a nerd but I love it! I'm tired of the norm so I thought I'd do something a little different. Check it out!

Pronunciation: \ˈō-pən, -pəm\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): open·er \ˈōp-nər, ˈō-pə-\; open·est \ˈōp-nəst, ˈō-pə-\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German offan open, Old English ūp up
Date: before 12th century
1 : having no enclosing or confining barrier : accessible on all or nearly all sides
2 a (1) : being in a position or adjustment to permit passage : not shut or locked (2) : having a barrier (as a door) so adjusted as to allow passage b : having the lips parted c : not buttoned or zipped
3 a : completely free from concealment : exposed to general view or knowledge b : exposed or vulnerable to attack or question : subject c : being an operation or surgical procedure in which an incision is made such that the tissues are fully exposed
4 a : not covered with a top, roof, or lid b : having no protective covering
5 : not restricted to a particular group or category of participants : as a : enterable by both amateur and professional contestants b : enterable by a registered voter regardless of political affiliation
6 : fit to be traveled over : presenting no obstacle to passage or view
7 : having the parts or surfaces laid out in an expanded position : spread out : unfolded
8 a (1) : low 13 (2) : formed with the tongue in a lower position b (1) : having clarity and resonance unimpaired by undue tension or constriction of the throat (2) of a tone : produced by an open string or on a wind instrument by the lip without the use of slides, valves, or keys
9 a : available to follow or make use of b : not taken up with duties or engagements c : not finally decided : subject to further consideration d : available for a qualified applicant : vacant e : remaining available for use or filling until canceled f : available for future purchase g : available for breeding : not now pregnant h : not proprietary : available to third party developers
10 a : characterized by ready accessibility and usually generous attitude: as (1) : generous in giving (2) : willing to hear and consider or to accept and deal with : responsive (3) : free from reserve or pretense : frank b : accessible to the influx of new factors (as foreign goods)
11 a : having openings, interruptions, or spaces : as (1) : being porous and friable (2) : sparsely distributed : scattered (3) of a compound : having components separated by a space in writing or printing (as opaque projector) b : not made up of a continuous closed circuit of channels
12 a of an organ pipe : not stopped at the top b of a string on a musical instrument : not stopped by the finger
13 : being in operation ; especially : ready for business, patronage, or use
14 a (1) : characterized by lack of effective regulation of various commercial enterprises (2) : not repressed by legal controls b : free from checking or hampering restraints c : relatively unguarded by opponents
15 : having been opened by a first ante, bet, or bid
16 of punctuation : characterized by sparing use especially of the comma
17 a : containing none of its endpoints b : being a set or composed of sets each point of which has a neighborhood all of whose points are contained in the set
18 a : being an incomplete electrical circuit b : not allowing the flow of electricity
19 of a universe : having insufficient mass to halt expansion gravitationally

synonyms see frank, liable

— open adverb

— open·ly \ˈō-pən-lē\ adverb

— open·ness \-pə(n)-nəs\ noun

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